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ETERNITY- divinely planted in my heart and mind- making everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3v11


I have been given a second chance to live and I intend to live it on purpose!
In 2011 I was diagnosed with Panniculitus, Cutaneous, T-Cell Lymphoma, for almost a year I underwent treatment and healing of this cancerous disease…I gave up my post as Head of Textiles at a local secondary school which I had been a member of for 13 years and made the conscience decision to begin painting again.
I am now free from cancer and feel blessed and honoured that whilst suffering, God would bless me to fulfil a long life passion. I am able to express my gratefulness, for such a gift that I have been blessed with and able to share my healing experience with others.
I love conceptual art, abstract work, I am not bound to any genre I love many. I'm currently developing abstract landscapes, pop art scriptural images and a conceptual project named 'Family units'. I am blessed to be able to create beautiful paintings and photography.


My Family

My work is supported by my gorgeous husband Dinesh and my two wonderful creative kids, Celeste-Estelle and Ethan-Emmanuel.  My husband has had a vision for me to pursue my love of the arts and work full time being as creative as I can be. I am so thankful for this!, They have all journeyed with me on the road of cancer and seen their wife/mum become victorious over it...Now we all agree that there is nothing stopping me from fulfilling my dreams.


My vision

I have always been a great believer in reaching your maximum potential and I try to instill this in my kids. There is nothing impossible that you cannot do. Whatever good inspiration and ideas you have bring it forth and make it happen, whether it be a book, a painting, music  'As the deer' or anything creative!


In Genesis 1 verse 1 it says' in the begining God created..'

He created everything our eyes can and cannot see. Therefore the desire and passion to create has been passed on to us from the creator. I have that longing to make and demonstrate all the artistic skills that I have been blessed with. Painting & Photography, singing  are my joy.


Check out some testimonials from my recent buyers.

A New Song A New Day

I'Beautiful artwork birthed by a creative spirit!

Being a creative soul has its advantages! I'm blessed to also a variety of skills including writing and compose songs, writing stories and courses.


For many years I have  been a worship leader. Music was a great passion of mine from the age of 2. I was given a mike at the age of 5 and I have never looked back. 


I believe that there are 'no' limits to creativity .Limits only exist through our own individual looking glass.  I have lived a life breaking through self limitations and it has brought me to this place of growth and healing.


I have added a song for you to enjoy and recieve peace from. Please comment and let me know what you think.


Every Blessing.


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